Everything you Need

I always find myself returning to the basics.

If you come to my classes, you've probably heard me mention many times that the simple, 'basic' seeming things are often the most challenging.

Simple is also more powerful.
Much more powerful.

Sometimes I wonder if students ever think I'm just saying that to make everyone feel better about whatever they're doing and wherever they're at.

But my honest, personal experience with it is that when things get tough, it's the basics we call upon for true, solid support.

It's kind of like the foundation of a house. Doesn't look very impressive, it's underground and doesn't seem to be of any substance.
But even the grandest, fanciest-looking house would crumble at the slightest disturbance if the foundation isn't there.

But I'm not referring to houses right now, nor am I talking about yoga poses.

I'm talking about emotional foundations.

And here's one big, a basic foundational concept that gives me a lot of strength:
Everything is part of a bigger plan (that you might not be able to see right now).

Today I found myself reflecting on this:
there are anxieties and insecurities and fears that I once wished never existed in me.

I was so resistant to them and judgmental towards myself for having them.

But here's the thing that I'm really sitting with:
I needed that.

I needed all of those things.

They sucked. They didn't feel good in any way.

But I sure as hell needed to experience them.

I'm realizing in retrospect that I honestly wouldn't have been half the daughter/friend/cousin/niece/teacher/therapist/human that I am had I not experienced the vulnerability of dealing with challenging emotions and circumstances.

There's an empathy that comes with hardship that undeniably transforms us into better versions of ourselves.

More mature, kinder, more humble, and above all more resilient.

I'm not saying let's pretend it's all rainbows and flowers when it's not.

What I am saying is do what you need to do to feel as supported as possible and hold on tight.
Because you'll make it through. And you'll be that much stronger and kinder and wiser on the other side.

And as annoyingly cliché as it may sound right now, when you look back you'll realize why this was a necessary part of your journey.

The basic teaching that I remembered today is one of the first ones I ever learned on my journey of growth and discovery:

There is nothing you need that you don't have within you.
And there is nothing you have within you that you don't need.

Read that second part again.
There's nothing you have within you that you don't need.

That experience (internal or external) you don't like and don't want..
It's there because it serves a purpose in the bigger picture of your life.

It doesn't define you and you certainly don't have to keep holding on to it if you can and want to change it,
but it might just be the nudge you needed to start making the decisions you want to make,
and living the life you're meant to live.
Or it might just be a necessary passing point in your own growth journey.

I'm working through my own hiccup right now and this reminder's feeling extra powerful to me.

Whether you're being challenged by inner experiences or by circumstances outside of you, I hope this reminder helps you find comfort too.

Always looking forward to hearing your thoughts.




The World on your Plate